Friday, May 16, 2014

MLA job information list classics #9: The worst job ad of all time: the do-it-yourself rejection notice

From the February 1975 MLA Job Information List, Foreign Language Edition (a similar ad appeared in the October 1974 edition):

U OF IOWA                        IOWA CITY     IA  52240
GERMAN                                                   F 1410

The Dept. of German invites inquiries for a possible position of
Asst. Prof. of German starting 1975-76. The applicant must have
the Ph.D. degree and should be prepared to teach on both the un-
dergraduate and graduate levels. Please submit a complete curric-
ulum vitae. Be sure to state your area(s) of special competence
or interest. Please include two (2) self-addressed postcards

with the following typed on the back, at the top:

     On card #1:______We have received your papers.

Please await further action.
______We need additional information of mater-

ial, as follows:
     On card #2:______We regret that we are unable at this

time to take positive action on your

application, but we shall keep your pa-

pers on file for future reference.
______We are interested in you but need further

information, as listed below:

The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
        Edward Dvoretzky, Chairperson, January 17, 1975.